Club of Rome NL & Young Club of Rome present
An experiential 1,5 day workshop exploring the inner
and outer dynamics of climate change
with special guest Dennis Meadows, author of
the Club of Rome report Limits to Growth,
author Marja de Vries
and film screening of Down to Earth
November 6
De Ceuvel, Amsterdam
November 7
Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
“An intuitive mind is a sacred gift and a rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
- Albert Einstein
About the workshop
With the increasing complexity and uncertainty of our world today, scientific knowledge and modernist ideas are becoming more important and less sufficient at the same time. In situations of complexity, such as our changing climate and structural inequality, other sources of intelligence are needed as well to make wise decisions and steer our society dynamically into a sustainable future.
How can we complement our well-earned rational thinking with other ways of knowing, such as our intuition, in order to navigate complex systems? How can we balance our focus on the outer world of matter, with a focus on our inner world of consciousness and infinite potential? How can we make use of the abundant resources of imagination and consciousness that are inside us, in order to tackle the outer issues of scarce natural resources and environmental degradation?
Do we have the courage to question our mechanical worldview and our ego-system awareness and shift towards an eco-system awareness that can create life-affirming solutions that work in the long term?
In this 1,5 day workshop, you will explore these questions in an interactive and experiential way. Together with leading sustainability practitioners, scientists, entrepreneurs, business leaders and activists, you will gain insights in how to navigate complex systems with grace and wisdom, learning to trust your own systems intuition, and the resources you need in order to make your next bold move towards a flourishing world.
We are honoured to welcome our special guest Dennis Meadows, co-author of the original Club of Rome report Limits to Growth.
Marja de Vries, author of two groundbreaking books, will share her research on universal principles that provided direction and balance for indigenous societies for thousands of years.
The two days will comprise an inspiring movie, storytelling, experiential exercises working with system dynamics, a climate game, dialogue and reflection.
November 6
16.30 - 22.00h
De Ceuvel, Amsterdam
November 7
9.00 - 22.00
Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen

Sunday November 6
Dinner at Circular Hotspot De Ceuvel, Amsterdam. With an intimate group (max 30 people – young and old)
16.30 Arrival, drinks
17.00 Start of programme, word of welcome by Bas Jurres and Martine Verweij (Club of Rome NL)
17.45 Film & Dinner: Down to Earth, introduced by the maker Rolf Winters
19.30 Dialogue and reflections from the film
20.15 Break & Dialogue Walk
20.45 Joanna Macy ritual - acknowledging the despair
21.30 The story of our lives - what’s transforming in ourselves; how is that related to what’s transforming in the world around us? With professional storyteller Nancy Wiltink
22.00 Closure, drinks and socializing for those who wish to stay longer
Monday November 7
Venue: Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
9.00 Arrival - coffee, tea
9.30 Plenary welcome
Morning workshop: Playing with Systems to understand Climate Change
An experiential workshop by Prof. Dennis Meadows, author of the Club of Rome report Limits to Growth
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Relative vs absolute play
14.00 Afternoon workshop: A phenomenological approach to perceiving system dynamics. How can such an approach, that taps into intuitive ways of knowing, help us acknowledge the patterns that we’re part of and evolve towards the behaviour we want to stop climate change from aggravating?
An experiential workshop by Martine Verweij (Club of Rome NL, Green Bridges), Sjef Staps and Herman-Jan Stroes
17.00 Drinks
18.00 Open Space dinner – what would you like to talk about? Tables form around subjects at heart
19.30 Best-selling author Marja de Vries on a new and emerging holistic worldview
21.00 Room for questions
21.15 Group dialogue facilitated by Club of Rome NL
21.40 Closure round with personal intention statements, connected to the experiences of the day

Sunday November 6:
De Ceuvel, Korte Papaverweg 4, Amsterdam


prof. Dennis Meadows
Dennis Meadows is emeritus professor of systems policy and social science research at the University of New Hampshire, where he was also director of the Institute for Policy and Social Science Research. In 2009 he received the Japan Prize for his contributions to world peace and sustainable development. He has authored ten books and numerous educational games, which have been translated into more than 15 languages for use around the world. He earned his Ph.D. in Management from MIT, where he previously served on the faculty, and has received four honorary doctorates for his contributions. Mr. Meadows is widely known as the co-author of the 1972 The Limits to Growth report of the Club of Rome. This year he published The Climate Change Playbook, which will provide the basis for his November 7th workshop.

Marja de Vries
Marja de Vries studied biology and ecology and worked as a fabric artist. Wanting to find out how we as human beings can live in harmony with nature, she visited several native cultures. She obtained her insights in the non-physical reality mainly through trainings based on native American traditions as well as on personal direct experiences. As a result she sees the big picture, patterns and interrelatedness. She is the author of the bestseller The Whole Elephant Revealed, Insights into the existence and operation of Universal Laws and the Golden Ratio, published in Dutch (2007), English (2012) and German (2014), and of Societies in Balance, towards a future in harmony with the universal laws, published in Dutch (2014). She is a sought-after speaker and teacher on the topics of her books.

Sunday November 6:
De Ceuvel
Korte Papaverweg 4, 1032 KB Amsterdam

Monday November 7:
Nyenrode Business University
Straatweg 25, 3621 BG Breukelen
How to participate?
You can sign up for:
Sunday and Monday full program €160
Sunday evening only €35
Monday full program (incl. lunch and dinner) €135
Monday morning only (incl lunch) €50
Monday afternoon only (excluding dinner) €50
Monday evening only (excluding dinner) €50
Please help me participate – I cannot afford the entree price. Please specify – what part of the program do you want to participate? What is your motivation for participation?